White Gut Latest 2021
"Join the Track Record of Shrimp Farmers Who Now Worry Less About White Gut Disease!
An Innovation that never ceases to bow down to Gut disease....

Hundreds of Shrimp Farmers have already been relieved from threatening White Gut and Took their Shrimp to resume feeding in less than 7 days.
Developed by Blueweight's Chemists, Chemical Engineers & Microbiology team with recommendations of Brawijaya University, Indonesia. After 1 year of rigorous R&D, field trials and demo ponds gave miraculous results in White Gut Disease.
In Isoweight Complex, now you will get specialised bacterial cultures Pediococcus & Bacillus spp. to arrest the growth of protozoan gregarines on an immediate basis when given as per the protocol. With a strength of 50 billion CFU/10g, it has powerful effect.
What Real Farmers Has to Say!

Within 7 Days, After
The Application of
Isoweight Complex.

A 14 Acre Real Shrimp Farmer From Ganapavaram, W.G District, AP, India
The Results from Real Farmers....!
Another farmer from Vivaka, Krishna District, AP Said "I used many medicines for treating white gut, but whatever I used, it is not controlled and feeding reduced, I made up my mind to give up and harvest, but my neighbour farmer suggested Isoweight, I thought like anyway I am going to harvest this crop but let me give one final try. I applied this, after the 1st day application, I observed 1000s of white gut strings floating all over. I was very much worried about this. But as I thought this is my final try, and disregarding the increase in no.of strings, I gave it for more 5 days in the feed as per the protocol. What I found was a big surprise. The no.of strings coming out slowly reduced and stopped on the 3rd day and the shrimp resumed the feed normally. I learnt that increase in the no.of floating strings is very much natural when applied Isoweight. I have never seen such a solution, and it worked for me the best. I am fully satisfied on the performance."

If you're from AP & West Bengal,
Product available at Nearest stores,
Contact below number for help
For WhatsApp Only:
+91-9063903372 (Click to Chat)
For Calling Only:
AP -
9849983791 (Telugu) Mr. Ramesh
9494503535, (Telugu, English) Mr. Kishore J.K
8019504508. (Telugu, English) Mr. Dileep
WB -
9390802840 (Hindi, Bengali, English) Mr. Biswadeep
AP Blueweight Factory Depos are at 12 locations:
Bhimavaram, Kaikaluru, Akividu, Ganapavaram,
Pathepuram, Machilipatnam, Juvvalapalem, Kalidindi,
Mullanka, Mogalturu, Eluru, Padichintapadu.

You get real results, when you mix it well with feed !!
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