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This Farmer had Shrimp Mortalities Due To Ammonia - And Came Out of this Problem in No Time..

Blueweight expert team has successfully involved in regular onsite meet with farmers and resolving their issues in due course. Recently, the farmer Mr.Srinivasa Rao, from Lodidilanka, Krishna District, AP, India, has contacted our team for the abnormal activities and a few mortalities of shrimps in his pond at DOC of 80. As he was in a halfway of his culture period the sudden changes in activities and mortalities in pond has increased his anxiety.

One of the expert team members, Mr. Satish Allu, (Field technician) has visited the ponds and collected water sample. In Blueweight laboratory located at Kalidindi, Krishna District, AP, we tested the water samples using API kit and found the level of pond total ammonia is increased to 1.5 ppm due to high nitrification. Although farmer is well aware of Blueweight Company but he does not aware of the product name of Odosweep and Zeoweight which are offered by the company to reduce the total ammonia from the water.

Initial level of ammonia in the pond measured using API test kit (Before treatment)

However, our expert has spontaneously responded to Mr. SrinivasaRao to use the combination of Odosweep and Zeoweight(products of Blueweight) to reduce the ammonia level from the water. With the direction of Blueweight's kalidindi depo Head Mr.Sreemannarayana, Field technician Mr. Sathish Allu has recommended as per the blueweight protocol dosage of 10-20kg/acre of zeoweight along with the mix of 250g/acre of Odosweep as his remedy. On the next day, Mr. Srinivas Rao was overwhelmed with surprise of the changes in the shrimp activity and reduction in mortality. He has communicated our team and the water sample has been tested a drastic reduction in the ammonia from 1.5 to 0.9 ppm in a day and next day it's reduced to 0.6 ppm. Further, the team has recommended him to continue the treatment until the level of ammonia under permissible limit. This has been a wonderful incident of the products of Blueweight has produced extreme results to the farmers.

Reduction in ammonia after the treatment of Bluweight’s zeoweight & odosweep.

Mr.Srinivasa Rao (Farmer) showed his gratitude and happiness to Blueweight team with our product

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